The Northside Business Association is hosting a community input and informational meeting on May 28, 6:00pm at Heart of Northside (4222 Hamilton Ave.) for anyone who would like to learn about the City’s Initiative entitled “Connected Communities.” If you do not know about this important piece of legislation that changes the existing zoning on nearly 100% of Northside parcels, then this meeting is designed for you.

Online information can be obtained through the City’s website:

There is an interactive map as well:

Northside’s proposed zoning in PDF form: 1 and 2

Cincinnati City Council is poised to vote on Connected Communities Ordinance (CCO) in early June 2024. Now is the time to get educated. Northside Business Association is hosting this meeting as a service for Northsiders.

As a component of the presentation, Tim Jeckering, NBA President, will outline the consistencies and inconsistencies CCO has with the 2006 Northside Comprehensive Land Use Plan:

NBA has not taken a position on the legislation. This is a meeting the NBA decided to organize as we believe property owners deserve the right to know about CCO prior to it being voted upon by City Council.

CCO is focused on increasing house density in Cincinnati due to the housing shortage with which the City is currently challenged. The primary areas targeted by the City’s CCO are along the Proposed Queen City Metro’s Bus Rapid Transit Corridors, Hamilton Ave. and Reading Rd. Briefly:

• In the Northside Historic Business District, housing and commercial renovation will now be easier in upper floors of multi-story building along Hamilton Ave. without parking requirements and with a one-story height bonus. Eased regulation on outdoor dining.

• In all residentially-permitted areas within a half mile of Hamilton, 2, 3, and 4- family buildings will now be allowed. In SF-2 zones, rowhomes will be permitted.

• In the manufacturing areas, CC makes it more viable for residential construction.

• Streamlined administrative hearing process.

We hope to see you there!